1. Situation – Alumni Forces require reorganization and assembly in 2022.
2. Mission: 37th Armor Alumni (-) conduct Patton’s Vanguard Assembly vicinity Columbus, GA 15-18 September 2022 in order to reconnect, reorganize, and reunite with the Home of Armor.
3. General Instructions
a. Special Teams / Task Organization: Alumni Members from the four 37th Armor Battalions and Family Members are invited. Advanced recon team conducted leaders’ recon 11-13 March 2022 of Columbus.
b. Common Uniform / Equipment: Reunion T Shirt will be provided to all participants for group photo. Casual dress / civilian clothes us uniform for all other periods.
c. Tentative Time Schedule: See plan timeline below
d. Specific Instructions: OPORD to be published 1 April 2022 when event registration opens. All channels will be utilized (Website, Facebook, and Linkedin) to reach the four Battalions Alumni. Registration will be nonreundable as it had been for 24 years (prior to Covid).
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