Our initial goal for this year’s event was for 30 each 1-37 Armor Veterans to attend the 21st Annual Reunion in Milwaukee 22-25 September 2016!
Already, 32 each 1-37 Armor Veterans have advised intent to attend in writing (11 from Vilseck era, 9 from Friedberg era, 9 from Katterback era, and 9 from Crailsheim era. OPORD has been sent via email to all Alumni Members and is also available on Reunions page of aulumni website! The last page of OPORD is the registration, and the registration period closes in less than 60 days!! Click, Print, and mail!!
Get off the Maybe! Get On the Plane!
1-37 Armor Alumni… because it really was the best job you ever had. www.abramsstandards.com
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